Tuesday, June 28, 2011

New Blog!

I've started a new business! And so, a new blog. This blog will keep track of my works in progress as well as projects I've finished that will be put in my Etsy shop. I hope that I can build relationships with those that are interested in my work, and get feedback on how to make it better, and therefore have a more successful business.

I suppose I should tell how it started this time. I've always been into arts and crafts. I've tried just about every single standard classical art form out there: oil painting, watercolors, acrylics, pastels, black and white pencil, colored pencil, charcoal, clay sculptures, found object sculptures, plaster sculptures, pointillism, etc, as well as ventured into the less common disciplines of pysanky eggs, origami, polymer clay, quilting, knitting, sewing, beading, jewelry making, wood working, and more. I was my high school art teacher's pride and joy, and I have left a legacy there for the students who would follow me. 6 years after I've graduated, students I've never met know my name. They have been told of my skills. I am a legend, and once every few years when I go visit her, every face in the room stares at me, unblinking, burning my face into their minds to go with all the stories they've heard. I always wonder if I am what they imagined me to be.

I got married in college after I found out my newly air-forced husband was getting sent to Italy. This is when I dabbled in knitting and earned the nickname "old lady." A made some beaded ornaments in here as well, but other than that, my art was put on the back burner. I was constantly traveling between Italy and the states for school, and after he got stationed in North Carolina, we bought a house. I was desperate for money to pay my student loans, but because the economy was in it's lowest point at this time there were no jobs to be had. Then the earthquake in Haiti happened. It seemed like hundreds of soldiers were deployed overnight, leaving their families ill prepared for their absence. The unfortunate event in Haiti led me to become a very successful babysitter. Once the summer came I started working as a lead lifeguard, which kept me very busy as well. In the fall, my husband got stationed in Montana, and I signed up for a tax class with a well known tax preparing company. It was the most brain-coma inducing thing I think I've ever done. I passed and got a job preparing taxes in the spring. Half way through the season, after three and a half years of marriage, my husband told me he wanted a divorce.

So, I packed up and moved to Montana.

At this point it had been years since I've really created anything other than a delicious meal. I didn't realize how badly I needed it. One night a friend of mine introduced me to stumbled upon. It immediately sent me to some origami type sites. My first project was a kusudama flower ball made out of wrapping paper I picked up from the dollar store. I also bought a single page of pretty blue scrapbook paper, and started folding cranes with it. They turned out beautiful! I decided to fold a slightly smaller one and it turned out to be just the cutest thing I'd ever seen. So I folded yet a smaller one. Feeling inspired, I decided to do a little searching of my own. I found the work of two artists: http://thepapercraneorigami.com/home/ and http://stacietamaki.com/origami_cranes_gestures.html and I decided that I would make origami ornaments to sell while working on a grand sculpture of tiny cranes to put in an art museum. Unfortunately, I couldn't find glass bulb ornaments anywhere in town. How I missed Hobby Lobby with their permanent Christmas section and "everything is on sale all the time" attitude. Silently cursing the universe from keeping me from my intended path of Christmas ornament making, I began looking at the cranes I had made, and realized they were so cute I had to do something with them. I would make earrings! I bought some glass pearls, ear wires, silver beads and beading wire and made a crude yet gorgeous pair of earrings. I posted a picture on my Facebook and was immediately bombarded with supportive comments and requests for custom pairs. Lady Grace Crafts was born!


  1. Hello There-

    I 'stumbled upon' (LOL) your shop & blog while checking out the Craft Launch site- via an article on ETSY. From there, checking out the themes & considering if it might make a good fit for the website I intend to launch to support my ETSY Shop- Danae's Crafty Designs.

    First off, let me say - I adore your Kudsami Flowers. I have been meaning to learn to make those for a couple years now. I too, am a life long artist, and my 12 yr old daughter loves oragami.

    Anyways- I read through your blog...all the way down here to your first post. (I also blog- or did...before my ETSY Shop took over. Now my 3 blogs sit abandoned....with hundreds of people still streaming in every day. (It blows my mind that I am getting that much readership with no new postings in over a year- LOL.)

    Several things struck me while reading your blog. I too, have had the awful experience (as so many of us have) of ending a marriage -mine with 2 young children in tow- and staring your life over. I too, live on a shoestring. And after reading about your fantasy of bicycle travel- I had to laugh. At age 17, after High School, and a short stint in Community Colege- I packed my small car and headed off to travel the United States. I ended up selling my car, buying a VW Bus- and continued my travels accross the country from California to New York. It was by far, the best time of my young life...and I am SO GLAD that I found the courage to drop everything and go...because I knew that later, I might not ever have the oppourtunity or freedom to do that (untill maybe retirement.) I was right :) Not only that- but the self imposed hardships of traveling were much easier at such a young age. I am 36 right now- and can not imagine spending nights sleeping in the woods with tree roots poking into my back & fighting off the bugs. If I could say anything...it would be to go for your dreams (ALL OF THEM!) right now- while you are free, single, young & relatively unattached. Not only that- but with the type of crafting you do- if you had a proper lap top, you could easily travel along with a small stash of papers & beading supplies & use your business for extra income.

    Anyways- I just wanted to say hello- and give some support. I noticed that you hadn't had many comments here...and figured you should know that someone stopped in to read.

    *Incidently- has usung Craft Launch added anything to your sales? I do see it is powered by Blogger- you might try to add the map feature (as you can do in a normal blogger blog) and you will get a report of exactly how many people visit your page, and from where. (I think it is thru Feedburner- but a quick search will tell you). It is free, and I have found it helps alot to know how much traffic you are getting- since not many people comment.

    Best of luck to you in all of your endevors!

    1. Hi Danae,
      Talk about a late response. Perhaps I wasn't really in a place to respond back then. But I am re-reading your comment now, years later and I wanted to thank you for taking the time to stop in and say hi and give me some advice. I'm getting ready yo starting delving back into the internet blogging world again, so, yea. Sorry I never answered you back way back then. That was rude of me.

  2. Also- in my searching for a web hoster that co-ordinates with ETSY, Facebook & the like- I found a place called Meylah. They have a service similar to this- that gives you a personal website, blog and links your ETSY, FB, Twitter & such straight to the front page of your website.

    I haven't signed up yet, as I am looking around for the best fit- but noticed that they have a free version- that does all of this and lists 50 items per month for free- and then 2 paid versions at $10 & $20 a month. For the free setup you pay 5% of your sale fee- but on the paid versions there is no additional fee except the monthly.

    I thought I would mention it- because it had a bit more functionality than this site- and with only a few items....would be a better bargain. If you find it works well- the $20 a month version allows up to 500 items listed per month. You might want to check it out. (They also have ePublishing content for Tutorials & eBooks- if you like that sort of thing.)

    :) Good Luck
