Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Family Time!

My family made it in tonight. We've already had a good time catching up, with them checking out my apartment and setting up camp in the living room. They've been driving across the country for about 2 weeks or so now, so as soon as they unloaded all of their stuff, we piled into the car and went to the laundromat. We chose to do one giant industrial sized load, instead of 3 regular sized ones. Then back into the car for a quickie tour of the city and the pool where I work. Quick drive back enjoying the beautiful sunset on the way, put clothes in the industrial sized dryer, and run to Arby's before they close. It was so good. I hadn't had fast food in over 3 months, and I'd only eaten at a regular restaurant twice in the last 3 months. I have to watch my salt, so I prefer to cook for myself for that reason, but it's also because I'm usually ridiculously broke. My mom being here means I get to completely re-stock my pantry! I'm so excited. I only had about 2 days worth of food left, and it was only random things like oatmeal, celery, and cheese. I've had to get super creative with my lunches for work, but I know I'm doing a good job because people always want to know where I went because it smells so good. Score.

Well, that's about all for tonight. I probably won't have much in the way of crafting to blog about in the next week, but I might have some amazing pictures of Yellowstone or Glacier to post!

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